Operable Unit 1: Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring
Activities Continue
Operable Unit 2: Design Activities Continue
Operable Unit 1 (40 Willow Avenue)
Field activities initiated in December 2009 to study the removal of coal tar from deeper levels within the containment barrier continued through January. Operations and maintenance (O&M) activities initiated in October 2010 with the installation of three additional shallow recovery wells continued in January with pumping of the containment cell.
On-going activities:
- Continued O&M measures on the cap (maintenance and inspection).
Recently Completed Activities:
- Conducted general housekeeping activities at the Site (OU-1 and OU-2).
- Surveyed the three new recovery wells.
- Collected ground water level and DNAPL measurements at wells throughout OU-1 and vicinity to optimize future O&M activities..
Future near-term activities:
- Continue maintenance and inspection of the OU-1 containment cell concrete cap.
- Continue the collection of water level measurements from monitoring wells throughout OU-1 and vicinity.
- Continue the evaluation of non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) recovery pilot test data.
- Implement the NYSDEC/NYSDOH-approved IRM Work Plan to reduce concentrations in groundwater at a Lynhurst Avenue property.
Operable Unit 2 (25 Willow Avenue)
OU-2 is the site of the former manufactured gas plant that previously operated at 25 Willow Avenue and was closed in 1957. There also are two off-site areas with MGP residuals that are located adjacent to the OU-2 Site at 89 Willow Avenue and across Bay Street at 1 Edgewater Street. The remedial design activities have progressed with the submittal in late Dec 2010 of the 90% Design Specifications and Drawings to NYSDEC and NYSDOH.
On-going activities:
- Continue OU-2 remedial design activities.
Recently completed activities:
- Presented the 90% Remedial Design Specification and Drawings to NYSDEC and NYSDOH. The 60% Remedial Design Specifications and Drawings was approved by NYSDEC and NYSDOH in early Dec 2010.
- Conducted a video survey of site storm sewer system.
- Completed a lead, asbestos and PCB survey of the existing warehouse building.
Future near-term activities:
- Complete and submit the OU-2 100% Remedial Design Specifications and Drawings for approval from NYSDEC and NYSDOH.
- Complete a survey of the shoreline area adjacent to 1 Edgewater Street.
- Conduct NYSDEC/NYSDOH-approved Preliminary Design Investigation (PDI) activities on the offsite property located between Edgewater Street, Bay Street, and Camden Street and at the 89 Willow Avenue property.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Operable Unit 1 (40 Willow Avenue)
A Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) is implemented when intrusive activities are performed at Operable Unit 1. There were no intrusive activities at OU-1 during January that required CAMP monitoring. Copies of previous weekly CAMP reports and other site documents for OU-1 are stored at the two public document repositories for the project.
Operable Unit 2 (25 Willow Avenue)
A Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) is implemented in support of the PDI activities at the OU-2 properties during intrusive work. There were no intrusive activities at OU-2 during January that required CAMP monitoring.
Community Board 1 One Edgewater Plaza Room 311 Staten Island, NY 10305 Phone #: (718) 981-6900 |
Borough President’s Office Borough Hall Staten Island, New York 10301 Phone #: (718) 816-2057 |
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the site, please use the site's Telephone Hotline at 718-982-7349.