Update Week Ending May 18, 2012
Remedial Contractor Continues Mobilization
and Site Preparation for Remediation
On-going activities:
Initiated excavation and installation of the barrier cement bentonite wall (CBW) along Bay Street (see attached photo).
Applied water throughout the Site to prevent the formation of dust.
Continued maintenance of erosion and sediment controls throughout the Site.
Continued general housekeeping activities at the Site.
Continued monitoring for noise, vibration, and settlement on Site and on neighboring properties.
Recently completed activities:
Completed mobilization of the barrier CBW contractor and assembly of the excavator and batch plant.
Future near-term activities:
Initiate the installation of well points for dewatering areas of the Site to be excavated.
Initiate demolition of the warehouse building.
Initiate installation of the CBW along Willow Avenue.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated in February 2012, continues as intrusive activities are conducted by the remediation contractor at OU-2. There were no exceedances of action levels during this period.
Staten Island Community Board #1 One Edgewater Plaza Room 217 Staten Island, NY 10305 Phone #: (718) 981-6900 |
Borough President’s Office Borough Hall Staten Island, New York 10301 Phone #: (718) 816-2057 |
If you have any questions or comments about the work on the site, please use the OU-1/ OU-2 Site Telephone Hotline at 718-982-7349.