Update Week Ending November 9, 2012
Remedial Contractor Continues Site Restoration
Following Hurricane Sandy
On-going activities:
- Initiated the installation of new fabric on the temporary fabric structure (TFS).
- Initiated the restoration of electrical service for the Site.
- Continued restoration of erosion and sediment controls throughout the Site damaged by the hurricane.
- Continued general housekeeping activities and collection of debris for disposal throughout the Site.
- Continued to pump and treat ground water and surface water collected throughout the Site following the hurricane and discharged from the treatment plant.
Recently completed activities:
- Completed the removal of damaged fabric on the TFS following the hurricane.
- Completed the restoration of perimeter fencing to secure the Site following the hurricane.
Future near-term activities:
Complete backfilling beneath TFS position #8.
Relocate the TFS to position #9 and begin excavation, loadout, and transportation of impacted material for proper disposal.
Initiate backfilling beneath TFS position #9.
Complete the excavation and backfilling of shallow excavation areas at the northern areas of the Site.
Complete the excavation and backfilling of shallow excavation areas along Willow Avenue and Bay Street.
Continue the placement of stone over the common fill backfill throughout the Site.
Initiate OU-2 perimeter Site restoration activities including the replacement of the sidewalk and permanent fencing along Willow Avenue and Bay Street.
Initiate OU-1 Site restoration activities including tree and shrub planting/replacement and installation of a safety rail around the containment cell concrete pad.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Community air monitoring, initiated in February 2012, continues as intrusive activities are conducted by the remediation contractor at OU-2. There were no fifteen-minute exceedances of odor, Particulate Matter (PM), or Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) action levels associated with ground intrusive site activities during this reporting period.
Staten Island Community Board #1 One Edgewater Plaza Room 217 Staten Island, NY 10305 Phone #: (718) 981-6900 |
Borough President’s Office Borough Hall Staten Island, New York 10301 Phone #: (718) 816-2057 |
Please use the website for updates and information until the hotline is up. Thank you.