Clifton, Staten Island Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site
Remediation Work Update – May 2014
National Grid completed the remediation work at the former Clifton MGP site. The NYSDEC and the NYSDOH have approved the Construction Completion Report for the 25 Willow Avenue, 40 Willow Avenue, and 89 Willow Avenue properties. National Grid has submitted a Draft Site Management Plan and Draft Final Engineering Report for the former Clifton MGP Site to the NYSDEC. The Site Management Plan, once finalized and approved by the NYSDEC and the NYSDOH, will be implemented on the National Grid properties and off-site areas as called for within the document.
On-going Operation, Maintenance & Monitoring Activities
The remediation work has been completed at the former Clifton MGP site. Post-remediation work includes establishing and conducting Operation, Maintenance & Monitoring (OM&M) programs. The OM&M programs at the Former Clifton MGP Site include:
- Recovery of Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL);
- Groundwater Extraction at 40 Willow Avenue; and
- Groundwater Sampling.
OM&M activities are required by the NYSDEC and the NYSDOH as documented in the Site Management Plan.
You may see work being completed at the former Clifton MGP site in order to implement and maintain these OM&M programs.
Projected Activities
National Grid will implement the OM&M programs until otherwise directed by the NYSDEC and the NYSDOH.
Website Updates
Periodically, National Grid will provide activity updates for the neighbors of the Former Clifton MGP Site. These updates will primarily consist of the addition of new Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring (OM&M) Reports to this website. The updates will describe work that has been done since the completion of the remediation work. The Key Documents section of this website will include the past website Weekly Updates and the reports related to the remediation work.