Health and safety is a critical part of the Clifton former MGP site remediation project as we work to address the environmental impacts at the site and improve the environment. National Grid is committed to protecting the public, our workers and contractors and the environment from potential hazards that can occur as part of cleanup activities planned for the site.
Health and safety programs are comprised of careful planning, good communication and effective monitoring of the execution of the health and safety plans. Remediation work is performed by qualified contractors that are appropriately trained and monitored, and is to be performed in accordance with applicable regulations. Health and Safety Plans have been developed for each remediation activity. Contractors are required to have employee training and medical monitoring programs, and are evaluated based on their compliance with established health and safety plans.
Public safety is monitored under oversight from NYSDEC and the New York State Department of Health using the Community Air Monitoring Program, Soil Vapor monitoring, monitoring for noise and vibration during certain activities and a Traffic Management Program when trucking of soils and clean fill are being undertaken. The Community Air Monitoring Program includes air monitoring at the construction / remediation sites and also between remediation activities and nearby residential and commercial areas. The work can produce unpleasant odors, and is being controlled to the extent practicable by using foam to cover exposed waste materials and by occasionally stopping work if necessary. The Community Air Monitoring Plan has specified monitoring locations and concentrations that will determine when additional odor or emission controls must be used and when the work must stop to protect workers and the public.
Soil vapor monitoring is conducted on properties on or near the work areas to ensure that potentially harmful vapors associated with the contamination is not being released into the atmosphere either as a result of natural occurring phenomena or displacement by the remedial activities. When warranted, National Grid also takes indoor air samples in properties in the area of the site.
The Traffic Control Plan is used to manage traffic in and around remediation activity and whenever trucks travel to and from the site. This program includes route planning for trucks and other vehicles, and coordination with local authorities and agencies on transportation safety issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the problem?
Historical gas manufacturing activity has impacted soil and groundwater at the Clifton former MGP Site. This includes the areas in which operations were located as well as paths of contaminated groundwater and isolated at which wastes associated with the operations have been found. Some of these materials have the potential to affect human health or the environment. The remediation program is designed to clean up the site so that it can be returned to valuable use and to ensure that property owners in the community have the fully use and enjoyment of their properties.
Should I be concerned?
The Final Remedial Investigation Report and subsequent Supplemental Investigations accepted by the NYSDEC identified the extent of site related contamination both on and off-site. Groundwater and surface water near the site are not used for drinking water sources. In addition, all potable water in the community is provided through the City of New York’s system which is not affected by the site and is continually monitored for water quality. The Operable Units areas fenced and secured to prevent trespassers or visitors from potential exposure to site related contamination. With the completion of the remediation of Operable Unit 1, the potential for exposure to surface soil contamination has been eliminated, and the amount of source material for contamination of the groundwater substantially reduced. Most of the surface in Operable Unit 2 has been covered by the building or asphalt, minimizing the potential for exposure to surface soil.
What can I expect as remediation continues?
There will be some noise and vibration during the excavation, particularly as underground structures are encountered. Most of the excavation will be done under a movable Temporary Fabric Structure with an air handling system that will ensure that odors and dust do not leave the excavation area. Where the TFS cannot be used, foams and other technologies will be in place to minimize odors and dust. Noise and vibration monitoring will be continuous, as will the use of a Community Air Monitoring Plan with conservative action levels that will require work being stopped if these levels are exceeded until the condition can be addressed. Pedestrian traffic will be re-routed adjacent to the site, and crossing guards will be provided.